Ekonews, Víno jde i bez pesticidu, vocab test

Původní česky text Martiny Patočkové z 29. 7. 2022, Ekonews.cz. Přeložen pomocí nástroje DeepL, dodatečné úpravy a jazyková selekce Radek Hýl.

1. But ______, the state has focused on removing the effects rather than addressing the causes. (v češtině: dosud; Martina: “Stát se ale dosud zaměřoval spíš na…”)


2. According to a recent European Commission report, there are a number of studies that show farmers can reduce pesticide use and save money without compromising _____or crop quality.


3. If the wind blows and blows around the berries, it ______ there is no moisture, the sun’s rays hit them, so they are dry.


4. We know from entomologists and ornithologists across Europe that many groups of these organisms are on the _____ of extinction.


5. They [technologies] can help, but the farmer still has to watch where the problems ________ before simply running over the field with a sprayer.


6. If Vajčner, like most winegrowers in the Czech Republic and Moravia, ______ in the normal way, he would have done things very differently.


7. A common objection _____ the organic approach from conventional winemakers is that organic is a much riskier venture and they could lose their entire crop.


8. Using pesticides is easier. It is easier to spray everything in advance as a _______ measure than to monitor where a disease or pest appears,” confirms Martin Rexa


9. He ______ a plan in hand from a company that sells and distributes chemical sprays officially known as plant protection products.