Test 001, prostý nebo průběhvý tvar

Procvičte rozdíl mezi “present simple” (I do) a “present continuous” (I am doing), tedy přítomný prosty a přítomný průběhový. Můžete vybrat mezi dvěma možnostmi.

1. _________ out tonight?
No, I am too tired.
2. We're going to "Lovci bobrů" tonight. It _______ at 7.30 PM at Studio Dva.
3. Do you know about my colleague? She ________ married next month!
4. Katka is doing an English course at the moment. The course _______ on Friday.
5. There is company party tomorrow night, but I _____.
6. How ________ home after the party tomorrow? By taxi?
No, I can go by bus. The last bus leaves at midnight.
7. Are you coming with us to the cinema tonight?
Yes, what time _______?
Karel _____ with me next week.
I _____ to the dentist on Friday at 2 PM so I can't have an English lesson.
am going
10. What are doing tonight? (odpovězte krátce na otázku)